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Economic Growth and Development

Course titleEconomic Growth and Development
Code EBU 320
ProfessorProf. Vladimir Filipovski


  • The concepts of economic growth and economic development – quantitative and qualitative aspects
  • Measuring the economic growth and development – indicators
  • Basic factors for economic growth and development – population, natural resources, investment in physical and human capital, R&D investment
  • Economic growth models:
      • Classical model
      • Harrod – Domar model
      • Neoclassical Solow model
      • AK models
      • Endogenous growth models
  • Theories of economic development: classical and modern
    • Classical:
      • Theory of stages of development
      • Structural change models
      • Theories of international dependence
      • Neoclassical theories
    • Modern:
      • Coordination failures and multiple equilibria
      • O-Ring Theory
      • Growth diagnostics
  • Quality of institutions and economic growth and development
  • Macroeconomic policies and economic growth and development
  • International aspects of economic growth and development
    • The importance of international trade
    • International capital flows and development finance
    • Foreign direct investments
  • Economic development strategies for developing countries
    • Industrialization and modernization
    • Import substitution
    • Export-led growth
  • Growth enhancing policies
    • Promoting innovations and entrepreneurship
    • Promoting human capital investment
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.