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ALUMNI Faculty of Economics-Skopje,
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
(ALUMNI, UKIM, Macedonia)

Dear visitor,

Welcome to the site of the ALUMNI of the Faculty of Economics – Skopje, UKIM Macedonia – a network in which a member can become everyone who obtained bachelor’s, master’s and/or doctoral degree at the Faculty of Economics-Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

Membership link https://bit.ly/4c517qu



The alumni network aims to connect all generations of students, creating a platform for continuous collaboration and development. With this network, former students will be able to stay in touch with their classmates, share experiences and knowledge, and engage in various professional and social activities. In addition, the network will enable current students to receive support and mentorship from alumni, which will contribute to their personal and professional growth. In that way, this network will connect all generations of students of the Faculty of Economics-Skopje with the aim of achieving joint continuous cooperation that will rest on solid foundations and will contribute to the development of both the members of the ALUMNI network, as well as the Faculty itself and the business community as a whole.



The alumni network was formed with a vision to develop a strong sense of belonging to the Faculty of Economics-Skopje among current and former students through a variety of activities, i.e.:

  • For students:

Increased opportunities for professional development, mentoring and networking.

  • For alumni:

A platform for giving back and supporting faculty, as well as continuing personal and professional development.

  • For the academic staff:

Better cooperation with the alumni and business community, which will enable greater success in educational and research activities.

  • For the business community:

Access to talented students and opportunities for collaboration with faculty and alumni.


With this mission and vision, the alumni network of the Faculty of Economics-Skopje will play a key role in creating an integrated and successful community that will contribute to the development of all its members.



The membership enriches the largest family of economists in the country. The alumni network will not only contribute to the personal and professional progress of its members, but will also strengthen the Faculty of Economics-Skopje and the business community as a whole, through professional networking.

  • To connect all former students in the ALUMNI network.
  • To create a database that will contain the data of all registered in the ALUMNI and make it available to all alumni in order to enable their networking for the realization of business goals in the future.
  • To build and strengthen the relationship between students, alumni, staff of the Faculty and the business community.
  • To preserve and nurture the tradition of the Faculty of Economics-Skopje, to strengthen its reputation and to promote its interests and commitments.
  • To develop and deepen the cooperation of the Faculty of Economics – Skopje with the companies and institutions where its former students work.
  • ALUMNI to work towards international accreditation of the Faculty.

Registration in the ALUMNI system is voluntary and can be done online (https://bit.ly/4c517qu)


We are confident that the ALUMNI network will generate interest and get a great response among our former students, the only ones who will have the privilege and honor to be registered in the ALUMNI system.

We invite you to register, to share the information about the ALUMNI with your contacts and to help us work together to promote the already proven reputation of the Faculty of Economics-Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.