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Finance Program

With the study program in Financial Management (today Finances), students will acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills for successful work in financial institutions in the private and public sectors, as well as for the performance of the financial function in enterprises in the real sector.

In particular, the main objectives of the study program in Finance:

  • Students to acquire knowledge about the financial sector and theoretical models for the valuation of financial instruments and financial intermediation.
  • Students acquire abilities and skills for applying practical methods and techniques for performing the financial function in enterprises, for investing in financial instruments, and for managing financial institutions.

In the period after economic independence, the financial sector proved to be one of the most propulsive activities in the economic structure, noting extremely dynamic development. In that sense, it is safe to say that the reforms in the financial sector occupied one of the central places in the transformation of the Macedonian economy and the construction of a market-based economic system. Thus, economic independence began with the process of building an independent monetary system (introduction of its currency, central bank, and monetary policy), and then followed the process of rehabilitation of the banking sector. In recent years, progress has been noticeable in other segments of the financial sector, i.e. the emergence of new financial institutions (brokerage houses, investment funds, financial companies, pension fund management companies, etc.) and new financial instruments (government bills, Eurobonds, corporate bonds, shares in investment funds, etc.). At the same time, the trend of greater integration of the Macedonian financial markets into the global financial flows has been intensifying recently. All of that imposes the need for study programs that will offer in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of financial instruments and the functioning of financial markets and institutions.

The study program in Finance ensures the creation of competent personnel who will be trained to respond to the demands of financial institutions from the private and public sectors. In this regard, experience shows that there is a strong and permanent demand for specialized personnel in the field of finance, who relatively easily find employment in several financial institutions, such as banks, investment funds, and brokerage houses, as well as inappropriate state institutions (the ministry of finance, the central bank, the development support bank, the agency for the supervision of insurance companies, etc.).

According to the personnel profile, graduates of this study program will acquire abilities and qualifications for analysis and practical application of analysis of individual types of securities and portfolios of securities; application of separate strategies for securities trading, analysis of financial statements of enterprises, evaluation of investment projects of enterprises, analysis of mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, management of liquidity risk of enterprises and financial institutions, measurement and management of the market risk of financial institutions, measurement, analysis and management of the credit risk of financial institutions, management of the assets of non-banking financial institutions, preparation of tax analyses, preparation and analysis of the budgets of the central and local government, financing of international trade, etc.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.