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Procurement Management

Course title

Procurement Management


 EBU 350


Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska

Course objectives (competences):
The aim of the course Procurement Management is to enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of procurement management and specific skills for applying this knowledge in practice. To accomplish these goals, the course program will elaborate the theoretical aspects of procurement management and then focus on their practical application.

By adopting the knowledge of this course program, students will be able to:

  • Understand the conceptual meaning, meaning and content of procurement management;
  • Apply the potentials of information technologies to support the procurement process;- Optimize the procurement process;
  • Understand the importance of procurement as a critical element of the supply chain and their key role in maximizing value and integrating supply chain activities;
  • Apply quantitative methods in the procurement process.
Course content:

The course  Procurement Management focuses on the development of the necessary competences, such as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to carry out activities in the field of procurement management, such as: procurement process; application of ICT in procurement; e-procurement; use of quantitative methods in the procurement process; procurement optimization; public acquisitions; strategic procurement; outsourcing; organization and management of procurement; evaluation and selection of suppliers; relationships with suppliers.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.