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Global Economy and Economic Systems

Course title

Global Economy and Economic Systems


 ECN 430


Prof. Trajko Slaveski, Ph.D.

Course objectives (competences):

Upon completion of this course the students should be enabled to:

  • Understand the differences and mechanisms of functioning of contemporary economic systems
  • To master the analytical apparatus for economic systems evaluation and their ability to accomplish their goals;
  • To acquire a knowledge on the modern methodology for designing an optimal economic system;
  • To evaluate advantages and disadvantages of globalization influence upon economic systems.
Course content:

The course deals with the fundamental characteristics of contemporary economic systems, and compares the dominant forms of modern market based  economic systems (the American capitalism, EU countries economic systems, East Asian economic systems). Further emphasis is given to the rise and fall of the socialist economic system, and its transformation and transition towards a market economic system.

Having in mind the changes in the global economy in modern times, globalization and its influence upon the functioning and formation of the contemporary economic systems is given due attention.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.