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Why Faculty of Economics, UKIM

Faculty of Economics – Skopje is part of UKIM (www.ukim.edu.mk), the first state university in the Republic of North Macedonia, ranked as the leading one at national level and strongly competitive within international frameworks.

Faculty of Economics – Skopje is active member of several renowned international organizations:

Faculty of Economics – Skopje successfully connects education and business and contributes for the studеnts’:

  • Having various options for internship;
  • Working on real case studies in actual companies and providing best suitable solutions guided by their course professors under direct mentorship of a company professional;
  • Deepening their knowledge and skills by being engaged on real-time projects with full-time engagement;
  • Having prominent guest speakers (such as corporate executives, managers, head officers, successful entrepreneurs) as visiting lecturers within the course subjects they attend who share their success stories that are to serve as an encouragement for the students to courageously start their career path with strong enthusiasm and persistence;
  • Having on-site company visits as the best way to have the students get closely familiarized with the company and its working environment, share the business trends and discuss actual business issues and challenges.
  • Having the students explore new opportunities, career development and networking on the so called Career Days (Pitch Please Events) organized by the FE, UKIM jointly with the Faculty’s Parliament (UKIM students’ organization) and AIESEC (international student platform).

Faculty of Economics – Skopje has two students’ organizations i.e. the Faculty’s Parliament (UKIM students’ organization) and AIESEC (international student platform) that offer the students:

  • To become their members and develop and upgrade their organization, communication, negotiation, leadership and networking skills by getting engaged into their operation (activities, events, projects, student conferences, student exchange, student internship, workshops, team building seminars);
  • To have their attitudes and opinions on student affairs and matters tackling every-day students’ life made visible to the Faculty/University authorities thus being true representatives of the student body enrolled at the FE.

Faculty of Economics – Skopje has strong international links:

  • Partner institutions from all over the world
  • Raising Erasmus+ Network  (аvailable on the following LINK)
  • Traditional International Summer School (summerschool.eccf.ukim.edu.mk )
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.