Course Title | Development of Economic Thought |
Code | ECN 350 |
Professor | Borche Trenovski, PhD (Associate Professor) |
Course objectives (competencies): Upon completion of teaching and passing this course, students should be able:
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Course content: Teaching the subject Development of economic thought should help students understand the current development of economic thought, i.e. the basic flows (schools) of economic thought from the ancient period to the present, as well as the work of the greatest minds in the field of economic science. In this context, special attention is paid to the study of the following issues: economic thought until the emergence of economic science, mercantilism as a transition to the emergence of economic science, the classical school as the beginning of economics, social utopia, history school, the emergence and development of Marxist economics, marginalism, institutionalism and neo-institutionalism, Keynesianism, post-Keynesianism and the new Keynesian economy, the radical political economy of the new left, the various schools within the neoliberal (neoclassical) economic thought, etc |
Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.
Економскиот факултет во рамките на интегрираниот државен Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје е најголема образовна и истражувачка институција во Република Македонија од областа на економијата и бизнисот.
Faculty of Economics
Ss Cyril and Methodius University
bul. Goce Delcev 9V
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
telephone: (02) 3286-800
fax: (02) 3118-701
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