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Regional and Urban Economics

Course Title

Regional and Urban Economics


ECN 340


Prof. Pece Nedanovski, PhD (Full Professor)

Course objectives (competencies): After completing the teaching and passing this course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of space (location) in the process of relocation of production;
  • Get acquainted with the modern laws in the process of spatial displacement;
  • Gain knowledge about the instruments of regional policy with the help of which the goals of regional development are realized;
  • Get acquainted with the basic problems of the regional development of R. Macedonia;
  • Understand the complex nature of the nature of economic development as a basis for solving many practical problems is not possible without knowledge of the laws of contemporary global, regional and local development. In that context, any development strategy is defective if it does not start from the laws of spatial development and if they are not respected in the actions of the subjects of economic development at the micro (companies) and macro level.

Course content: The subject of regional economics should enable the perception of the contradictions of the modern economic development that arise from the dimension of its spatial determination. The regional aspect of economic development in the scientific literature gained its thematic and methodological differentiation through a wide range of problems. The controversies and conflicts raised by the process of globalization exacerbate the need to answer many new questions and to redefine current theoretical premises as well as to follow contemporary empirical processes of global, regional development. That is why the curriculum covers the following topics: development of modern conceptions of regional development; location analysis; analysis of the factors of modern regional development; regional aspects of globalization; regional policies; the policy of decentralization of local self-government; issues related to the regional development of R. Macedonia.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.