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International Organizations and Integration

Course title

International Organizations and Integration


INT 220


Elena Makrevska Disoska, PhD

Course objectives (competences): 

The main objective of the course it to provide the students in-depth knowledge of international economic relations, to help them to apply that knowledge in practice and to demonstrate competencies for identifying, analyzing and solving problems. After completing the course, the students should be able to:  

  • Conceptually distinguish the terms: integration and interdependence and critically to evaluate the role of international organizations and integration;       
  • To evaluate the costs and benefits from globalization (especially for small countries), and the need for change in the organizational structure of the certain international organizations and integration;     
  • To understand the basic code of conduct for international organizations and integration, аs well as the institutional framework of each organization;      
  • To understand the importance in the decision making process for membership in particular international organization and integration;      
  • To identify the rights and obligations that arise from membership in certain international organizations and integration, especially for the Republic of Macedonia.


Course content: 

This course is structured in order to present the institutionalization of the international community, i.e. community of states that aspire to organize its mutual relations. In addition, integration, interdependence and development of international organizations and integration are analyzed from economic, political, historical and cultural perspective. The subject covers the globalization of international relations, institutional network of relations, international economic integration, as well as European economic integration, with special focus on the European Union. Special focus is given to the participation of Republic of North Macedonia in international organizations and integration process.


70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.