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Economy, Business & Development: An international journal

Economy, Business and Development (EB&D) journal seeks to promote an understanding of the phenomena of development from a combined business and economy perspective. The journal consciously endeavours to combine scholarly perspectives relevant to academic research and policy issues relating to development. In this connection, we use the term development broadly – to include scholarship drawing on business and economy perspective in the context of developed and developing countries on a micro or macro level.

We are also accepting research articles the focuses on one country, but provide a generalisation that can be used in similar empirical context. We welcome in-depth studies that are used to validate or extend existing theories and models.

The journal is eclectic as to research method and we accept quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research. However, it is expected the submitted manuscript to be based on studies that use modern theoretical and empirical approaches.

More information is available at https://journals.ukim.mk/index.php/ebd/index

Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues (discontinued)

Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues is a new peer-reviewed open access journal in subjects of economics and business which covers economics, economic policy, finance, quantitative economics, business and other relevant fields.

Last issue of the journal is published in March 2020.

It is a semi-annual academic journal published by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics – Skopje in both print and online version.
Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues will publish original scientific papers, preliminary communications, conference papers, review articles, but also high quality professional papers. We particularly welcome contributions that explore economic and business issues of emerging economies.

The Editorial Board consists of eminent economists from different countries.

All articles should be written in English and are subject to a double blind peer-review process. Only original unpublished works, not under consideration for publication elsewhere, should be submitted. Submitted papers need to be prepared according to the Instruction for authors.

 JCEBI is indexed in:

– Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH, (https://www.ceeol.com/ )

 – ECONBIZ – Journals, Working Papers & Conferences in Business Studies and Economics (https://www.econbiz.de/ )

 – Index Copernicus International (https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/)

 – ECONSTOR, (https://www.econstor.eu/ )

– The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences  –  ERIH PLUS (https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/ )

– Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/ )

Journals web page is available on the following LINK


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70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.