Course title | Macroeconomics |
Code | ECN 210 |
Professor | Prof. Trajko Slaveski, Ph.D. |
Course objectives (competences): After completing the course the students should be enabled to:
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Course content: Macroeconomics research applies to aggregate economic variables, i.e. the functioning of economy as a whole. It operates with the following concepts: aggregate output of goods and services; inflation and unemployment rates; balance of payments, and exchange rates. It equally covers long-term economic growth and short-term economic fluctuations that constitute the economic cycle. Macroeconomic focuses upon economic behavior and policies that influence consumption and investment, the value of national currency and trade balance, determinants in wage and price changes, monetary and fiscal policies, state budget, interest rates and national debt. This means that Macroeconomics is concerned with the most important economic issues and problems of everyday life. |
Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.
Економскиот факултет во рамките на интегрираниот државен Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје е најголема образовна и истражувачка институција во Република Македонија од областа на економијата и бизнисот.
Faculty of Economics
Ss Cyril and Methodius University
bul. Goce Delcev 9V
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
telephone: (02) 3286-800
fax: (02) 3118-701
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