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Management information systems

Course title

Management information systems


 MGT 320


PhD Nikola Levkov

Course objectives (competences):
  • to understand the role of information and information technology in achieving competitive advantage.
  • to be capable of developing alignment of business and IT strategy.
  • to become familiar with modern business applications such as: Supply Chain Management Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
  • to become familiar with different types of information systems from hierarchical perspective: transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems and executive support systems.
  • to be capable to analyze and define information needs and to translate them into information systems design.
  • to be capable to create conceptual and logical design of data with ERD diagrams and relational tables.
  • to be capable to develop a business case for information systems development.
  • to understand the ethical and security issues of information systems.
Course content:
  • Information revolution – the foundation for digital and networked economy
  • Strategic role of information systems in global business today
  • Information systems, organization and strategy
  • Management of IS infrastructure and architecture
  • Key system applications for the digital era
  • Data management and analytics
  • E-commerce, digital markets and digital products
  • Knowledge management, business intelligence and decision making
  • Ethical and security issues in information systems
  • Economics of information and  information systems
  • Management of IS projects
  • System analysis and design of information systems
  • Development of information systems
  • The impact of information technology development on individuals, organizations and society
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.