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Regional Training Center – World Customs Organisation (RTC-WCO)

Regional Training Center - World Customs Organisation (RTC-WTO)

Back in the autumn of 2007 by signing of a MoU began the cooperation between the World Customs Organization from Brussels and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics from Skopje. The signification of the MoU initiated the establishment of a regional training center for a continuous education of customs officers and the business community according to the professional standards of the WCO. This initiative was also supported by the Macedonian Government.
In April 2008 the Faculty of Economics –Skopje passed a decision on the establishment of the RTC.
On the 27th of September 2009, the General Secretary of the WCO, Mr. Kunio Mikuria, officially opened the Regional Training Centre – World Customs Organization (RTC-WCO) at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics – Skopje.


Education of human capital for the needs of the Customs Administration and the business community within CEFTA-2006 through establishment of professional programs on continuous education based on full implementation of the professional standards recommended by the World Customs Organization.


Developing the RTC-WCO in Skopje as a leading training institution for the needs of the Customs, as well as of the business community in the country and in CEFTA-2006 based on full respect of the multilateral trading system rules on trade liberalization and of the professional standards of the World Customs Organization.


  • o Providing specialist programs on continuous education and professional upgrade of customs officers based on the WCO standards
    o Providing professional certificates and enhancing the customs officers’ profession with full implementation of the WCO standards in the country and in CEFTA-2006;
    o Implementation of contemporary methods and forms of continuous education on customs issues and transferring relevant knowledge and information on the novelties and current issues and trends within the multilateral trade system;
    o Providing information data base on the RTC-WCO in Skopje.


Irena Kikerkova, Ph.D.
Head of the RTC-WCO in Skopje
Phone: ++389 2 3286 860
E-mail: irena@eccf.ukim.edu.mk

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