Conditions for enrollment and advancement in studies
Students are eligible to enroll in study program E-business management having completed a three-year undergraduate study program or a first-cycle study program with a total of 180ECTS.
Students from any field can enroll in the study program because the e-business models subject of the studies are being utilize din all areas of economy and society.
Upon completion of the planned activities, you are awarded a Master’s degree in economic sciences in the field of e-business management.
Job competencies
General and specific competencies
Through continuous transfer of modern and in-depth knowledge on the application of new ICT in business, after the completion of the study program of the second cycle studies in E-business management, students will acquire the following generic (general) competencies:
Students will also acquire the following specific competencies:
Conditions for enrollment and advancement in studies
Students are eligible to enroll in study program E-business management having completed a three-year undergraduate study program or a first-cycle study program with a total of 180ECTS.
Students from any field can enroll in the study program because the e-business models subject of the studies are being utilize din all areas of economy and society.
Upon completion of the planned activities, you are awarded a Master’s degree in economic sciences in the field of e-business management.
Job competencies
General and specific competencies
Through continuous transfer of modern and in-depth knowledge on the application of new ICT in business, after the completion of the study program of the second cycle studies in E-business management, students will acquire the following generic (general) competencies:
Students will also acquire the following specific competencies:
Semester 1
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 550 | Supply chain management | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
EBU 560 | Business information systems | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Sasho Josimovski, PhD |
Semester 2
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 580 | Operations strategy | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
Semester 3
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 510 | Business process design in e-business | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva, PhD Prof. Marina Mijoska, PhD |
EBU 310 | Databases for business | 40 | 8,00 | Prof. Sasho Josimovski, PhD |
| Field work |
| 6,00 | Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
Semester 4
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU | Master thesis |
| 16,00 |
Semester 1
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 590 | Modern technologies for e-business | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Sasho Josimovski, PhD Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
EBU 530 | Internet marketing applications and tools | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Dimitar Jovevski, PhD |
EBU 360 | E-business innovations | 40 | 8,00 | Prof. Mijalche Santa, PhD |
Semester 2
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 520 | E-government | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva, PhD Prof. Marina Mijoska, PhD |
EBU 570 | Managing Information technologies | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Sasho Josimovski, PhD |
EBU 540 | Global information infrastructures | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Mijalche Santa, PhD |
MGT 310 | Strategic management | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Ljubomir Drakulevski, PhD |
MGT 370 | Project management | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Sasho Arsov, PhD |
Semester 3
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 420 | Customer relationship management | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
EBU 410 | ERP systems | 40 | 8,00 | Prof. Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva, PhD |
| Elective subject from the list of the University |
Semester 4
Code | Subject | Hours | ECTS | Professors |
EBU 330 | Web design and development | 40 | 8,00 | Prof. Martin Mihajlov, PhD |
МКТ 460 | Social media marketing | 40 | 8,00 | Prof. Dimitar Jovevski, PhD |
EBU 5901 | Implementation of scientific-research methods in e-business | 40 | 7,00 | Prof. Sasho Josimovski, PhD Prof. Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva, PhD Prof. Lidija Pulevska Ivanovska, PhD |
| Elective subject from the list of the University |
| 7,00 |
Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.
Економскиот факултет во рамките на интегрираниот државен Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје е најголема образовна и истражувачка институција во Република Македонија од областа на економијата и бизнисот.
Faculty of Economics
Ss Cyril and Methodius University
bul. Goce Delcev 9V
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
telephone: (02) 3286-800
fax: (02) 3118-701
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