The purpose of the PhD Program in Statistical Methods in Business and Economics is to train scholars who can independently and creatively conduct original statistical and econometric research in the fields of Economics and Business in accordance with high-level international standards and who will work on developing and improving the application of the state of the art statistical and econometric methods in science (at universities and other higher education institutions), as well as in the public and private sectors. The ultimate goal of the studies is to create and develop independent research skills that are necessary for the students in this program to build careers in both the public and private sectors.
The PhD program in Statistical Methods in Business and Economics aims at developing advanced knowledge in Statistics and Econometrics and their application in economics and business. These studies are based on the principles of multidisciplinarity, availability of choice and the standards of the Bologna Declaration. The structure of the studies reflects the multidisciplinary nature of Statistics as a scientific discipline. The purpose of the opportunities to select is to enable scientific and research development for each student that is solely directed towards the individual. The institutional development of the studies within the Bologna Declaration should enable greater mobility of students and teachers between related study programs. In addition, it should also provide a framework for co-operation on scientific and research topics of common interest.
The PhD program in Statistical Methods for Business and Economics is organized in accordance with the rules of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and aims at developing a basis for independent conduct of original scientific research. By acquiring advanced theoretical and applied knowledge, students will be trained to perform complex economic analyzes and develop ideas for efficient solution to economic problems, either at the level of the economy as a whole, or at the level of individual economic sectors and/or individual companies. The Developed research capabilities of PhD students will contribute to building their further career in the business sector, non-financial and financial; state-governed institutions and and public enterprises; as well as the sector of academic institutions.
The contents of this third-cycle study program are designed to follow the contemporary contributions to theoretical and empirical economic analysis. This means using up-to-date editions of textbooks written by internationally renowned authors, as well as articles and research publications containing key theoretical and applied contributions to issues and problems that arise as a consequence of the current social processes and the dynamical changes in today’s economies. By doing so, the students will gain access to the latest scientific knowledge in the field of Statistical Methods in Business and Economics.
The duration of the study program in Statistical Methods in Business and Economics is 3 years, i.e., 6 semesters.
By finishing the three-year PhD studies in Statistical Methods in Business and Economics the student obtains 180 ECTS credits.
The PhD studies are realized by self-financing of the candidates. The sources of self-financing can include stipends, company funds, as well as funds granted from other funds and international institutions. The amount, the method and the other financial conditions are regulated with the Rulebook for conditions, criteria and rules for enrollment and studying on the third cycle of studies at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, as well as the acts of the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of Economics in Skopje.
The enrollment in the PhD studies is done on the basis of an admission call made by the University. The procedure for submitting and publishing the admission call is determined by the law and with the Rulebook for conditions, criteria and rules for enrollment and studying on the third cycle of studies at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje.
Persons who have completed appropriate study programs and who meet the following criteria are eligible for doctoral studies:
The studies are organized in a period of 3 years according to the following regime:
– First semester – 30 ECTS:
– 12 credits from generic courses (Given in Table 2a)
– 18 credits from courses that are in the field of research (Table 7)
In the first semester the students take an exam in the two mandatory generic courses whose realization is done in the PhD School.
Mandatory courses are (Table 2a):
Elective courses:
During the first semester the students takes an exam in:
– 1 elective course out of the list of elective courses from the third group of electives whose purpose is to gain generic knowledge and skills – university list for third cycle elective courses (4 ECTS credits)
– 3 courses out of the list of courses that are in the field of research. These should be chosen in agreement with the student’s PhD supervisor (Table 7). Each course is rated with 6 ECTS credits.
– Second semester – 30 ECTS credits (Table 7)
In the second semester the PhD candidate choses two courses out of the list of courses in the field of research, in agreement with his/her supervisor (Table 2).
Besides this, in the second semester the PhD candidate should also gain 18 credits by participating in a yearly conference with a presentation (4 credits) and conducting an individual research under the mentorship of his/her supervisor (14 credits).
The total workload of the student for acquiring 60 ECTS credits is 180 hours, out of which: 60 hours are direct contact hours of lessons and instructions, 60 hours are project and individual exercises, and the rest 60 hours are self-study.
Table 1: Overview of Activities and ECTS – First Year Credits of Third Cycle Studies in Economics
I year Activities | Number of credits |
First semester |
Scientific and research ethics with applications and examples in economics (mandatory course) | 4 ECTS credits |
Methodology of scientific research with application and examples in economics (mandatory course) | 4 ECTS credits |
Elective course out of the list of elective courses from the third group of electives whose purpose is to gain generic knowledge and skills |
4 ECTS credits |
Elective course (out of the list of courses that are in the field of research) | 6 ECTS credits |
Elective course (out of the list of courses that are in the field of research) | 6 ECTS credits |
Elective course (out of the list of courses that are in the field of research) | 6 ECTS credits |
TOTAL: | 30 ECTS credits |
Second semester |
Elective course (out of the list of courses that are in the field of research) | 6 ECTS credits |
Elective course (out of the list of courses that are in the field of research) | 6 ECTS credits |
Individual research | 14 ECTS credits |
Yearly conference with a presentation | 4 ECTS credits |
TOTAL: | 30 ECTS credits |
TOTAL FIRST YEAR: | 60 ECTS credits |
Table 2: List of elective courses for generic knowledge, adopted by the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje PhD School
Generic courses | Lecturer | Institution | ECTS Credits |
Econometrics | Prof. Vesna Bucevska, PhD | Faculty of Economics | 4 |
Statistical Analysis | Prof. Dragan Tevdovski, PhD Ass. Prof. Marija Trpkova – Nestorovska, PhD | Faculty of Economics | 4 |
Operational Research | Prof. Violeta Cvetkovska, PhD
| Faculty of Economics | 4 |
Selected problems from microeconomics and macroeconomics | Acad. Taki Fiti Prof. Vladimir Filipovski, PhD Prof. Predrag Trpeski, PhD | Faculty of Economics | 4 |
Entrepreneurship and innovation | Prof. Zoran Janevski, PhD Prof. Stojan Debarliev, PhD | Faculty of Economics | 4 |
Other electives from the PhD School | Taken from the other faculties at the University | “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” | 4 |
Table 2а: Mandatory courses for acquiring generic knowledge:
Scientific and research ethics with applications and examples in economics | Prof. Verica Janevska, PhD Ass. Prof. Marija Takovska, PhD
Institute of Economics
| 4 |
Methodology of scientific research with application and examples in economics | Prof. Leonid Nakov, PhD | Faculty of economics | 4 |
120 credits (application, research, writing and defending the dissertation)
The application, writing and defense of the PhD dissertation are worth 120 ECTS credits and they should be realized in a period of 2 years, i.e. 4 semesters.
The activities in the third semester (Second year) include preparing an application for the PhD thesis and presenting the methodology, expected results and other relevant aspects of the research which the PhD candidate aims to fulfil. The structure of these activities and corresponding ECTS credits are given in Table 3.
Table 3: Second and third year structure of the PhD studies
II YEAR | ECTS Credits | |
Third Semester |
| |
| Preparing and submitting applications for a PhD dissertation and individual research | 27 |
| PhD seminar with a presentation | 3 |
Fourth Semester |
| |
| Participation in an international meeting which is in relation with the PhD thesis | 26 |
| Yearly conference with a presentation | 4 |
TOTAL II Year | 60 | |
| |
III Year |
| |
Fifth Semester |
| |
| Publishing a part of the original results of the PhD Thesis (In accordance with article 2.24 from the Law of high education) | 27 |
| PhD seminar with a presentation | 3 |
Sixth Semester |
| |
| Defense of the PhD Thesis | 26 |
| Yearly conference with a presentation | 4 |
TOTAL III Year | 60 | |
| |
Table 4: Total ECTS credits in the three-year program
Semesters | Number of ECTS credits |
I and II | 60 |
III and IV | 60 |
V and VI | 60 |
Total | 180 |
In order for the PhD candidate to submit an application for writing a PhD thesis, he/she muse first acquire a minimum of 60 ECTS credits, out of which 42 are from the elected courses in the first years of study, 4 from the yearly conferences and 14 from conducted research.
The application, writing and defense of the PhD dissertation provide 120 credits in total and they should be realized in a period of 2 years, i.e. 4 semesters.
The student acquires right to submit its PhD dissertation by fulfilling the following conditions:
Table 7: List of elective courses in the Statistical Methods for Business and economics PhD program
Code ECO | Course title | Lecturer | Institution |
1. 1 | Mathematical Statistics | Ass. Prof. Igor Ivanovski, PhD | Faculty of Economics |
2. 2 | Advanced econometrics | Prof. Vesna Bucevska PhD | Faculty of Economics |
3. 3 | Statistical methods in quality control | Prof. Vesna Bucevska PhD | Faculty of Economics |
4. 4 | Time-series analysis | Prof. Dragan Tevdovski PhD | Faculty of Economics |
5. | Multivariate analysis | Ass. Prof. Marija Trpkova-Nestorovska PhD Prof. Kalina Trenevska-Blagoeva PhD | Faculty of Economics |
6. | Data science | Prof. Violeta Cvetkovska PhD | Faculty of Economics |
Во февруари 2010 година, Универзитетот Св. Кирил и Методиј го донесе новиот Правилник за докторски студии, според кој тие се организирани како тригодишни студии (шест семестри) и носат 180 кредити.
Притоа, во првите два семестра се изучуваат општи и посебни предмети, третиот семестар е наменет за подготовка на тезите за докторската дисертација, додека последните три сместри се наменети за изработка и одбрана на докторската дисератција.
На 28.02.2012 г. Одборот за акредитација донесе Решение за акредитација на Елаборат за организирање на трет циклус – докторски студии по:
– Економски науки
– Организациски науки и управување (менаџмент)
– Статистички методи за бизнис и економија
– Демографија
Прегледот на структурата на студиската програма може да се преземе (во изработка).
По јавната одбрана на докторскиот труд, студентите се здобиваат со звањето ДОКТОР НА ЕКОНОМСКИ НАУКИ (Ph.D.).
► Правилник за условите, критериумите и правилата за запишување и студирање на трет циклус студии
Сите уплати поврзани со докторските студии по СТАРА ПРОГРАМА треба да се направат на следната сметка:
Примач: Економски факултет – Скопје
Трансакциска сметка: 100000000063095
Сметка на буџетскиот корисник: 1600103697 – 788 – 10
Приходна шифра и програма: 723011 – 41
Цел на дознака: Уплата за одбрана на докторски труд по стара програма
КОНКУРС за запишување студенти на трет циклус – докторски студии на студиските програми на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје во учебната 2014/2015 година
Дополнителни информации за конкурсот
Повеќе информации за докторските студии можете да добиете кај Кристина Савеска, референт за трет циклус на студии.
телефон: 02 3286 926 02 3286 829
1. М-р Огнен Фирфов
тема: „Влијанието на користењето на интернетот врз продуктивноста на претпријатијата во Република Македонија”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Љубомир Дракулевски
одбрана: 12.04.2019 година во 1330 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
2. М-р Благој Серсемов
тема: „Нетрговски бариери во мултиратералниот трговски систем”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Ирена Кикеркова
одбрана: 11.06.2019 година во 1200 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
3. М-р Марија Пендевска
тема: „Влијанието на менаџментот на знаење врз развојот на иновативноста на претпријатијата во Република Македонија”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Благоја Ѓорѓијовски
одбрана: 13.06.2019 година во 1200 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
4. М-р Емилија Стојанова Ивановска
тема: „Управување со кредитниот ризик согласно Капиталната Спогодба Базел II – економетриски пристап ”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Весна Буцевска
одбрана: 24.06.2019 година во 1000 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
5. М-р Катерина Бошевска
тема: „Економските ефекти од легалните и нелегалните начини за избегнување на оданочувањето”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Михаил Петковски
одбрана: 25.06.2019 година во 1200 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
6. М-р Александар Николовски
тема: „Влијанието на фискалната политика врз економскиот раст и развој – осврт на случајот на Република Македонија”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Пеце Недановски
одбрана: 18.09.2019 година во 1200 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
7.М-р Александра Наќева Ружин
тема: „Финансиските конгломерати и потребата од интегрирана супервизорска рамка во Република Македонија”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Михаил Петковски
одбрана: 03.01.2020 година во 1100 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
8. М-р Томислав Шалваринов
тема: „Маркетинг микс-концептот во нафтената индустрија и истражување на побарувачката од нафта како главен енергенс во индустријата и нејзините деривати”
Ментор: Проф.д-р Снежана Р.Јовановска
одбрана: 13.01.2020 година во 0700 часот, Економски факултет – Скопје
Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.
Економскиот факултет во рамките на интегрираниот државен Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје е најголема образовна и истражувачка институција во Република Македонија од областа на економијата и бизнисот.
Faculty of Economics
Ss Cyril and Methodius University
bul. Goce Delcev 9V
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
telephone: (02) 3286-800
fax: (02) 3118-701
e-mail: – сите права се задржани