Reference number | 101175268 | ||
Project / network dates (year started and completed) | 01.10.2024 – 30.09.2027 | Programme or initiative | Erasmus + Programme Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Chairs |
Title of the project / network | “Strengthening the Knowledge of the EU Internal Market- Widening the perspectives of candidate countries (EUMarket)” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | | ||
The main objective of this project is to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies. For this objective to be fulfilled the coordinator and the team members are planning to improve the lectures on the main subjects covering EU issues: European Economic Integration and the EU Internal Market. It should be valuable for the students as future leaders of the country to be able to learn how to cope with the challenges that Macedonian companies will have on the European market. This is also challenging since our country, together with the other Western Balkans countries who are our closest neighbours and important trading partners, are still candidate countries for the membership in the European Union and need to prepare their markets for the EU internal market. The implementation of this project will also be important for the other subjects that cover different aspects of the international economy as they need to cover the changes, and the novelties implemented by the European Union since they affect the positioning and standing of our country and the companies coming from our country on the international trading scene. The project will deliver a range of outcomes including organizing events like training sessions, webinars, lectures during summer schools, and a yearly essay contest that aim to engage students and the public in discussions related to the EU Internal Market. This project aims to empower young professionals with the competencies needed to navigate international trade challenges and contribute to the harmonization of national policies with EU standards. | |||
Reference number | 101180361 | ||
Project / network dates (year started and completed) | 01.10.2024 – 31.12.2025 | Programme or initiative | ERASMUS + Programme ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EMJM-DESIGN |
Title of the project / network | “Forensic accounting and fraud in contemporary digital environment (FORCE)” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | N/A | ||
Forensic accounting is a specialty that combines traditional accounting and auditing with investigative methods to detect financial fraud and other financial irregularities. With the increasing globalization of the economy and more complex financial transactions, the risk of fraud is increasing and so is the need for forensic accountants with the necessary skills. There is a high demand for these professionals in the EU, particularly in organizations responsible for combating fraud. The Covid 19 pandemic has not stopped the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) from cracking down on financial fraud, but there is still a need for more professionals. To meet this need, a joint master’s degree program has been established to provide students with comprehensive education in forensic accounting and fraud examination. The program aims to improve knowledge and skills in the field of financial analysis, leading to improved prevention and combating of criminal threats in the EU. Relevant organizations will be involved in the implementation of the project. The need for forensic accounting expertise is growing in the EU with the emergence of online financial activities and FinTech, leading to new forms of financial fraud. This has led to an increased need for knowledge of legal processes and digital skills, as well as a multidisciplinary university program to improve the capacity of forensic accounting professionals. Graduates of a master’s program in forensic accounting bring valuable expertise, including the ability to analyze complex financial data, identify fraud patterns, and testify as expert witnesses in civil litigation. Demand for forensic accounting professionals will remain high in the EU as regulatory and compliance requirements increase. | |||
Reference number | 2024-1-МК01-КА220-VET-000255683 | ||
Project / network dates (year started and completed) | 01.11.2024-31.10.2027 | Programme or initiative | Capacity building in the field of vocational education and training (VET) – KA220-VET |
Title of the project / network | “United for Cyber Safety – Up-Skilling High School Communities for Protecting Students (SHIELD)” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | N/A | ||
The objectives we want to achieve through the SHIELD project are: 1. Improve cyber security skills: Enhance the cyber security skills of secondary school teachers, principals, and psychologists to address the challenges posed by increasing cyber threats effectively. 2. Bridge knowledge gaps: Address the lack of knowledge and resources in schools regarding cyber security by providing targeted training, tools and support services. 3. Develop cyber security policies: Assist high school staff in developing and implementing cyber security policies that align with best practices and protocols for handling sensitive information and responding to incidents. Concrete Results: Increased Awareness and Preparedness: A higher level of cyber security awareness and preparedness among secondary school staff, enabling them to better protect students in the digital realm. Enhanced Digital Environment: A safer digital environment for students, with reduced risks of cyber threats such as cyberbullying, invasion of privacy, and exposure to harmful content. Scalable and Replicable Model: The SHIELD project serves as a blueprint for similar initiatives across the European Union, promoting scalability and replicability in addressing cyber security challenges in educational settings. |
Reference number | 2024-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000255158 | ||
Project / network dates (year started and completed) | 03.11.2024 – 02.11.2026 | Programme or initiative | KA2 – Cooperation Partnerships in the field of Higher Education |
Title of the project / network | “ S.M.I.L.E. – Skill Match in an Intelligent Learning Environment” | ||
Coordinating organization | CONFORM – Consulenza, Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l. | ||
Website | N/A | ||
The SMILE project’s innovative approach, leveraging Artificial Intelligence to analyze and predict the training needs of students, addresses the critical gap between the current supply of skills by universities and the dynamic demand of the labour market. By fostering a proactive and predictive model of career guidance and educational design, SMILE stands out as an innovative effort to prepare students for future challenges, ensuring they possess the digital, green, and entrepreneurial skills vital for the sustainability and competitiveness of European SMEs. |
Reference number | N/A | ||
Project / network dates (year started and completed) | 01.03.2024 – 28.02.2025 | Programme or initiative | Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) and Awareness School Grant Program – Internal Audit Foundation Grant Category 1: Sustainability & Advancement |
Title of the project / network | Bridging the Gap: Non-Traditional Majors and the Future of Internal Auditing Sustainability | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | N/A | ||
Our project, “Bridging the Gap: Non-Traditional Majors and the Future of Internal Auditing Sustainability”, aims to broaden the reach of internal auditing education to non-traditional majors, promoting awareness and inclusivity through collaborative efforts. It will unite the expertise of the Accounting and Auditing Department, the Yunus Social Business Center, IIA North Macedonia, and practitioners from various sectors, including finance, business, and the public domain. To accomplish this goal, we will arrange a series of meticulously crafted workshops led by renowned professors specializing in auditing and corporate governance, representatives from IIA North Macedonia, and seasoned internal auditor practitioners. These workshops will serve as incubators of knowledge, emphasizing the significant role of internal auditing within the intricate fabric of corporate management. Our project will comprise a series of four workshops, each addressing distinct facets of the internal auditing profession. |
Име на проектот | Новата нормалност во пост-ковид периодот во две области: ревизорската професија и економијата на искуства | ||
Носител на проектот | Економски факултет – Скопје, Универзитет “Св. Кирил и Методиј во Скопје” | ||
Подетални информации | Новата нормалност во пост-ковид периодот | ||
Во рамки на проектот „Новата нормалност во пост-ковид периодот во две области: ревизорската професија и економијата на искуства“ финансиран од интегративните средства на Универзитетот и одобрен од страна на Наставно научниот совет на Економски факултет – Скопје (Бр.02-610/6 од 02.04.2021 година) беа реализирани две истражувачки студии, а резултатите беа презентирани на два научни собира – конференции, соодветни на научноистражувачкото подрачје:
1.“Adapting the Audit Profession to the “New Normal” in Post-Covid Period – A Case Study of The Republic of North Macedonia”, презентиран на The 11th International Conference „Financial reporting and auditing: challenges of a transformation era”, која се одржа во периодот од 11-12 декември, 2023 година во Краков, Полска. Научноистражувачко подрачје: Општествени науки и Научноистражувачко подрачје: Економски науки – Сметководство. Линк за пристап до истражувањето: 2. “Мemorable Experiences: Building Loyal Visitors to Cultural Institutions“, презентиран на XIV BUSINESS AND SCIENCE CONFERENCE SPIN ’23, која се одржа во периодот од 6-7 ноември, 2023 година во Белград, Србија. Научноистражувачко подрачје: Општествени науки и Научноистражувачко подрачје: Економски науки – Маркетинг. Линк за пристап до истражувањето: |
Reference number | 101132435 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.11.2023 – 31.12.2026 | Programme or initiative | Call: HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 Topic: HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-03 Type of action: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions |
Title of the project / network | Project name: SKILL PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUSTAINABLE AND JUST MIGRATION PATTERNS Project acronym: SKILLS4JUSTICE | ||
Coordinating organization | VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS (VMU), Lithuania | ||
Website | |||
This project aims to develop systemic analysis of skills shortages in the 5 EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Lithuania) and 6 non- EU countries (Turkiye, UK, Norway, Noth Macedonia, Ukraine, Ethiopia) in the context of the global workforce migration by providing research-based evidence on the nature and development of skill shortages as well as on the potential of different skills partnerships to tackle these shortages in the countries of origin and destination of migrants. There are four main objectives of research (serving as a basis for the corresponding work-packages) which contain different sets of research questions and activities: 1. Designing of the shortage model for recruitment of skilled workers in the countries of destination (1st group), transition countries (2nd group) by referring to the agency of existing skill partnerships in these countries. 2. Evaluation of the labour market in analysing matching needs and shortages of skilled workforce in the countries of origin compared to the countries of destination and transition countries. 3. Surveying skilled migrant workers in the countries of destination and origin (returned migrants). This survey seeks to provide the perspective of migrants to the above discussed questions of research. 4. Analysis of conditions which influence positively or negatively local development processes vis-à-vis foreign upskilling and recruitment in the destination countries, as well as the conditions which lead to domestic institutions of the origin countries to capitalize on the positive effects of migration for skill development of their population. 5. Preparing a toolkit for implementation and development fo skill partnerships between the countries of origin and destination in order to enable and facilitate sustainable and fair investments in skills and dealing with the challenges of skill shortages and migration by preventing skill losses and brain drain. |
Reference number | 101130572 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2027 | Programme or initiative | Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 Topic: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01-01 Type of action: HORIZON TMA MSCA Staff Exchanges |
Title of the project / network | Project name: Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 Project acronym: GETM4 | ||
Coordinating organization | TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY DUBLIN (TU Dublin), Ireland | ||
Website | N/A | ||
The main objective of GETM4 is to research how entrepreneurs can deal with disruption to support not only economic development but also societal wellbeing in a digitized world. Although the COVID19 pandemic was widely predicted, the resulting government restrictions caused unprecedented disruption all over the world. And since disruption has become the norm (e.g. wars, energy crises, climate change), we must be better prepared and learn how to respond appropriately to it. GETM4 aims at identifying how entrepreneurial talent (of individuals, higher education, and industry) can play a crucial role in exploiting the opportunities and tackling the issues created by disruption. Underpinned by cutting edge digital innovation, entrepreneurship is often expected to promote physical and mental wellbeing, while at the same time entrepreneurs wellbeing is frequently threatened by widespread of technology itself. To tackle this paradoxical situation, an innovative, multi-perspective approach is needed. The research approach to tackle a global disruption, needs to be global. Strong of an 18 partner Consortium comprising of a transnational, transdisciplinary, transgenerational, trans sectorial and gender balanced research team, GETM4 will organize over 300 secondments across 9 countries and 4 continents, and a series of sandpits rotating between the partner institutions. This global approach will allow researchers to gain first-hand and in depth insights on relevant research topics and develop their skills through networking and trainings. Our research will be underpinned by a “respectful impact” perspective as we believe research and innovation should be transferred and translated respectfully between the Global South and North and knowledge should be shared equitably and in all directions. |
Reference number | 2023 – 1- MK01 – KA220 – HED – 000161238 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2026 | Programme or initiative | ERASMUS+, Key action 2: Partnership cooperation |
Title of the project / network | “Co-creation through experiments for inclusive economy” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | |||
The implementation of COEXE establishes a comprehensive objective for the project: to develop practices and research infrastructure that contributes to the greening of business practices and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through co-creation and experimental research involving multiple actors. The project implementation is based on an inclusive approach with practice feedback. – Co-development of experimental research knowledge backpack (concept, protocol, evaluation, e-tool) – Development of greening practices – Application of co-creation experimental research in business setting The project will deliver the following results. – State-of-art analysis – COEXE e-tool – Greening practices information kit – Pilot studies – Sustainability network |
Reference number | 101120390 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.07.2023 – 30.04.2027 | Programme or initiative | Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03 Topic: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01 Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions |
Coordinating organization | FACULTY OF ECONOMICS NIS, SERBIA | ||
Website | | ||
Public academic institutions are recognized as an actor capable of energizing entrepreneurship ecosystems to transform the business sector and strengthen the general welfare through sustainable entrepreneurship. Since sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation has been getting more and more attention, the USE IPM aims at encouraging entrepreneurship focused on sustainability, and creating innovative solutions that respect a three-norms framework: doing good, avoiding harm, and protecting both, the society and the planet. The improvement of the relationship between the academic and non-academic sector in widening countries will be achieved via implementing practices for gaining benefits with sustainability justification. This is considered highly valuable for improving the competitive posture for both types of institutions (academics and business) and making entrepreneurial ecosystem of widening countries more inspiring and supportive for new business ideas development. The primary goal is to enhance knowledge and skills of talents from widening countries in the field of research and innovation (R&I) and, consequently, to raise the capabilities of the widening academic institutions in order to increase their value regarding the sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem(s). Moreover, the USE IPM will contribute to enhancing the career prospects, not only of the talents involved in the project, but of other researchers at the widening sending institutions as well, as talents will share knowledge gained during the secondments towards the non-widening, EU countries. Additionally, the USE IPM will boost the entrepreneurial and innovation process management skills of business representatives by transferring the acquired knowledge and skills via trainings implemented though 4 directly impacted centers for entrepreneurship and innovation (onwards EI centers). These centers will be established and/or consolidated thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, gained during the workshops at EU academic institutions. The main results of the USE IPM include: 28 seconded talents to 5 partners from EU countries (5 non-academic partners), 4 established and/or consolidated EI centers in 4 different widening countries, 200 young people (young USE IPM trainees) educated on the acquired acquis, 80 trained business representatives (business USE IPM trainees) in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, 40 innovative solutions created during the internships, under the cross-sectoral teams and 10 best practices for cross-sectoral talent circulation identified. Last, besides contributing to the reversion of brain drain in their countries via increasing youth employability, the USE IPM will strive to improve a better gender balance in a male dominated, entrepreneurship sector. |
Reference number | 2022 – 1- MK01 – KA220 – HED – 000087530 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2024 | Programme or initiative | ERASMUS+, Key action 2: Partnership cooperation |
Title of the project / network | “Blended Learning and Evaluation Practices for Inclusive Digital Higher Education” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | | ||
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are challenged to maintain quality and innovative education for large student numbers while working with lower budgets, and to accommodate the needs of a great variety of learners. As a consequence, new course and programme delivery modes emerge at universities. Such activities set the foundation for inclusive blended learning and teaching methods as modernized and dynamic models for the HEIs. By doing so, HEIs are adequately transforming to the needs of modern era, by promoting better student experiences, greater personalisation and significantly higher efficiency. Digitalizing the higher education can be regarded as one of the fundamental challenges imposed on relevant institutions. Through careful choice of project partners, BENEFIT fuses both experience and structural competencies. Moreover, all project partners have relevant experience in implementing projects that involve promoting digitalization and inclusion of ICT-based teaching methodologies. By introducing innovative models of collaboration and cocreation for novel education, the Consortium members share the experience in dual learning programmes. Furthermore, as they are all fundamentally based on traditional teaching methodologies, the inclusion of E-learning platform as part of the educational process and its implementation can be regarded as one of the key activities. |
Reference number | 2021 – 1- MK01 – KA220 – HED – 000030188 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 01.11.2021 – 31.10.2024 | Programme or initiative | ERASMUS+, Key action 2: Partnership cooperation |
Title of the project / network | “Structural Capacities for Tackling Wicked Problems” | ||
Coordinating organization | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Economics – Skopje | ||
Website | | ||
Modern policy implementation and organisational frameworks fail to create a sustainable approach in the resolution of wicked problems as growing global concern. They include problems that are hard to define, difficult to solve and need various approaches for their potential solution. Poverty, climate change, health, gender equality, and justice are all wicked problems that are part of the SDG Agenda. SCORE aims to create a cooperation structure and develop a model for tackling these problems. Wider transnational capacities are involved, proposing a bottom-up approach in social-planning processes. Our aim is to demonstrate that such problematic can be solved through cautious approach of HEIs in the process. SCORE promotes and strengthens the European cooperation on this topic while designing and piloting novel research in tackling climate change. Specific topics that are to be addressed include environment and climate change, inter-regional cooperation and research and innovation. The project consortium will mutually benefit by active participation. Practically, project participants will be able to demonstrate decisiveness and capability in solving numerous problems in the relevant area, setting the foundation for other organisations to be able to implement such approaches. Furthermore, through the project implementation and follow up phases, a new generation of scholars will gain the knowledge, tools and methods for solving wicked problems. Sharing good practices and developing inter-connected higher education systems will be supported through sustainability network, models, e-tools and guidelines generated by SCORE. |
Reference number | 2016-1-MK01-KA203-021670 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 9.2016-8.2018 | Programme or initiative | КА2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices: Strategic partnerships in higher education |
Title of the project / network | Joint Program for Sustainability Leadership – PoSsibLe | ||
Coordinating organisation | Faculty of Economics at Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje | ||
Website | | ||
Project objective: The wider objective of the project is to improve manager’s and leader’s performance and sustainability actions through enhancing their leadership skills and abilities to innovate, collaborate and manage change. The major aim of the project is to jointly develop and implement program for sustainability leadership, which will address key issues in sustainability, and will enhance the ability of leaders to innovate, collaborate and catalyze change, creating sustainable organizations and societies. The program will be developed based on the needs of managers and leaders, research evidence and principles of sustainability leadership, sustainability standards and SDGs requirements. Throughout the joint program for Sustainability Leadership they will develop advanced leaderships skills and practices, ground theoretical approaches in practice facilitated by distinguished affiliates, receive professional orientation by providing meaningful application of the learning in their organizations, network with peer from other countries and working together on sustainability projects.
Target group: The target group consists of: managers working in local, national and governmental bodies, the private and non-profit sector, and are willing to make a difference and integrate strategies for sustainability in their organizations. Also, target group are students who have interest and plans to work as key players in project management and organizational development environments, where broader issues of societal development are important. |
Reference number | |||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 6.2015-6.2016 | Programme or initiative | EUROSTAT |
Title of the project / network | The role of innovation in productivity growth across selected Central and Eastern European countries: closing the productivity gap between Eastern and Western Europe | ||
Coordinating organisation | Faculty of Economics at Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje | ||
Website | |||
Application of a structural model that describes the link between R&D expenditure, innovation output, and productivity (CDM model) in order to determine how much progress the Central and Eastern European countries are making towards increasing productivity and overall competitiveness of the European Union, we compare their performance with certain old EU members (Germany and Italy). The objectives of the research projects were the following: - to point out the role of innovation in productivity growth across selected Central and Eastern European countries that are members of the European Union (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia) ; - to estimate the progress towards productivity and innovation of the CEE countries; and to evaluate the improvement and success in narrowing the gap of the CEE countries with stronger EU member countries (Germany and Italy). |
Reference number | |||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 8.2018- 8.2020 | Programme or initiative | EUROSTAT |
Title of the project / network | The research project is focused on analyses of the role of innovation in productivity growth across selected Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries that are members of the European Union. The representative countries that we would like to include in the research are the following: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia. In order to determine how much progress the Central and Eastern European countries are making towards increasing productivity and overall competitiveness of the European Union, we compare their performance with certain old EU members. We plan to apply a structural model that describes the link between R&D expenditure, innovation output, and productivity (CDM model). | ||
Coordinating organisation | Faculty of Economics at Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje | ||
Website | |||
The research project is focused on analyses of the role of innovation in productivity growth across selected Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries that are members of the European Union. The representative countries that we would like to include in the research are the following: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia. In order to determine how much progress the Central and Eastern European countries are making towards increasing productivity and overall competitiveness of the European Union, we compare their performance with certain old EU members. We plan to apply a structural model that describes the link between R&D expenditure, innovation output, and productivity (CDM model). |
Reference number | |||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 2019 | Programme or initiative | Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA |
Title of the project / network | Quality Management and Competitiveness | ||
Coordinating organisation | The University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria | ||
Website | |||
The project entitled “Quality Management and Competitiveness” is dedicated to developing the application potential of Macedonian managers and SME owners. This project co-operation was established in the framework of the implementation of the Japanese Government’s Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative program, fully committed to strengthening the capacities of Macedonian managers, in line with the principles of the European Commission’s Sofia Declaration, dedicated to detailing priorities. |
Reference number | CA16121 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 03.2017- 03.2021 | Programme or initiative | |
Title of the project / network | From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy. | ||
Coordinating organisation | University of Limerick, Ireland | ||
Website | | ||
The main objective of this action is to develop a European network of actors (including scholars, practitioners, communities and policy makers) focusing on the development of collaborative economy models and platforms and on social and technological implications of the collaborative economy through a practice-focused approach. The specific aims of the proposal are: (i) To develop a deeper understanding of the collaborative economy phenomenon in all its aspects, by studying in-depth the sociotechnical systems and human practices involved, comparing and reflecting upon local, regional, national and international initiatives; (ii) To discuss and critique elements of the current discourse on the collaborative economy, and proposing a richer definition and characterisation of the phenomenon; (iii) To formulate a European research agenda for the socio-technical aspects of the collaborative economy, including specifically the design of future technological platforms, the technical infrastructure, their legal, ethical and financial implications; (iv) To articulate a European research perspective on the collaborative economy, based on EU values of social innovation, and in line with the Europe 2020 strategy objective to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by 2020. The Action will produce online resources including publications offering a comprehensive view of the current European collaborative economy and socio-technical and policy recommendations for the future. |
Reference number | CA16228 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 10.2017-10.2021 | Programme or initiative | |
Title of the project / network | European Network for Game Theory | ||
Coordinating organisation | Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands | ||
Website | | ||
With the rapid advancement of technological innovations, modern societies rely more and more on the proper functioning of complex networks (i.e., social, telecommunication and transportation networks). Since the state and the dynamics of these networks are determined by independent decision makers, a solid understanding, control and optimization of such networked systems constitutes a major challenge for modern societies.
Game theoretic concepts are nowadays used in the analysis of networked systems, such as the computation of traffic equilibria in large-scale transportation networks, the prediction of content popularity in social networks and online services, and the analysis of the spreading of diseases and epidemics. Since there are many applications from different fields exhibiting similar network structures (e.g., biological, technological and social networks) and each of these applications has field-specific characteristics, our Action needs to bring together researchers from different fields of science, such as, applied mathematics, algorithmic computer science, engineering and economics.
The key objective of this Action is to facilitate interactions and collaborations between different groups of game theorists, to provide game theoretic expertise to industrial partners, and to establish a large and vibrant interconnected community of excellent scientists in these different fields. This Action will be the first European network where computer scientists, applied mathematicians, economists, and operations researchers will join forces on problems with significant technological and socio-economic impact. On a meta-level, the aim is to create a broad community of game theorists across Europe and at every stage of their career and to facilitate contact with stakeholders. |
Reference number | CA18213 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 10.2019-10.2023 | Programme or initiative | |
Title of the project / network | Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion | ||
Coordinating organisation | Instituto Universitario De Lisboa | ||
Website ||Name:overview | ||
This Action encompasses the creation of a European-led multidisciplinary network from countries showing higher NEET youth rates in rural areas. Rural NEETs’ Youth Network (RNYN) aims at developing a model of comprehension for rural NEETs’ social exclusion risk and protective factors based on the bioecological model. It focuses on three specific goals: (1) upholding future research capability, with an emphasis on Early Career Investigators (ECI) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC); (2) creating a rural NEETs’ online observatory; and (3) fostering knowledge use by policy makers and practitioners. The RNYN work plan will be produced by 3 working groups; it will contribute to define a coherent model for future research, based on an intensive survey of national and cross-national trends regarding rural NEETs’ profile and support systems, as well as methodological and intervention best-practices in the field. RNYN added value stems from an eclectic theoretical, disciplinary, institutional and international approach and in upskilling ECI in ITC that are more affected by high rural NEET rates. In the long run, RNYN’s scientific impact will lead to the creation of a rural NEETs’ observatory, integrating ECI in a broad multidisciplinary community and strengthening the COST Inclusiveness Policy. Long-term socio-economic impact is expected to be translated into (in)ternational legislation to tackle rural NEETs’ needs and promote sectoral innovations. RNYN is a timely proposal by creating networks/platforms to organize findings, connect critical mass dealing with rural NEETs and build up research capacity. It is also socially relevant, by aiming at informing policies and on-the-ground practices. |
Reference number | CA18213 | ||
Project / network dates Start date – End date | 12.2019-12.2023 | Programme or initiative | |
Title of the project / network | Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations | ||
Coordinating organisation | HKU University of the Arts Utrecht | ||
Website ||Name:overview | ||
The aim of this COST action is to build a network for the interdisciplinary study of the potential interactive digital narrative has as a means to addressing complexity as a societal challenge by representing, experiencing and comprehending complex phenomena and thus also address the issue of “fake news”. The challenge therefore is to change IDNs current status from ‘singular achievement’ of a small group of ‘initiated’ practitioners to ‘general practice’ of many media companies. The INDCOR project (Interactive Narrative Design for COmplexity Representations) addresses this challenge by means of a coordinated effort in analysing and generalising design and production methods of stand-out IDN works with a particular focus on the representation of complex issues.. |
Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.
Економскиот факултет во рамките на интегрираниот државен Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје е најголема образовна и истражувачка институција во Република Македонија од областа на економијата и бизнисот.
Економски факултет
Универзитет „Св.Кирил и Методиј“
бул. Гоце Делчев бр.9В
1000 Скопје
Република Северна Македонија
телефон: (02) 3286-800
факс: (02) 3118-701
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