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Macroeconomic Analysis Methods

Course title

Macroeconomic analysis methods


 ECN 440


Sasho Kjosev, PhD

Course objectives (competences): 

  • Knowledge of economic theory relevant to the construction and solution of macroeconomic models.
  • Mastering the quantitative techniques needed to construct, evaluate, and test the reliability of parameters derived from dynamic models.
  • Ability to critically evaluate the usability, limitations, potential weaknesses and sensitivity of the model to external or endogenous shocks (changes in parameters).
  • Empirical testing of models.
  • Critical analysis of model consistency – critical points, errors, and pitfalls in modeling and comparing the results obtained from different approaches.

Course content: 

The course aims to present and explore the theory and practice of macroeconomic modeling. The module covers the evolution and dominant background of macroeconomic theories and economic analysis relevant to macroeconomic modeling. Completion of the program should contribute to the ability to build macro models and apply solving algorithms.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.