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Financing entrepreneurial businesses

Course title

Financing entrepreneurial businesses


CFM 523


Stojan Debarliev, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Aleksandra Janeska – Iliev, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Course objectives (competences):

After completing the class, students should be able to:

·         identify the basic stages and elements of the entrepreneurial process and the importance of financing entrepreneurial businesses

·         understand the process of setting up an entrepreneurial business, forms of ownership and possible ways of financing the different forms of ownership

·         identify and categorize the various sources of financing entrepreneurial businesses

·         understand the alternative sources of venture capital funding

·         understand the additional creative sources of financing entrepreneurial businesses

·         link the stages of the life cycle of entrepreneurial businesses and appropriate forms of financing for each phase separately

Course content:

  • The entrepreneurial process and financing
  • Establishment of entrepreneurial businesses, forms of ownership and their financing
  • Equity versus debt financing
  • Traditional sources of equity financing
  • Traditional sources of debt financing
  • Alternative sources of venture capital funding
  • Venture capital
  • Business angels
  • Other innovative sources of financing entrepreneurial businesses
  • Accelerators
  • Grant funding programs
  • Crowdfunding financing
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Bootstrap funding
  • Entrepreneurial business life cycle and forms of financing
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.