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Digital Economy

Course title

Digital Economy


 EBU 210


Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva

Course objectives (competences):

After finishing the course, students should:-understand the conceptual meaning, meaning and essence of digital economy;

-understand information as an economic good, the economics of information goods and become familiar with their characteristics, pricing and versions;

-understand the competition strategies applied in the network economy;

-understand the ways digitalization transforms business through convergence of use and purchase;

-understand the functions and characteristics of e-Government;

-understand policies globally and in particular the EU in support of the information society;

-be able to work in teams;

-apply the knowledge gained in analyzing new opportunities for organizations in the world of digital connectivity.    

Course content:

Information economics and the economics of information will be explained as well as the changes taking place in Porter’s concept of competition in the digital economy. Particular attention will be paid to value creation and pricing information. The characteristics of the products that are most suitable for online trading will also be analyzed. Versions of information and creation of information bundles are studied. Rights management will also be considered. Most attention will be focused on managing lock-in, network effects and positive feedback, as well as strategies in network marketing, alliance building, and openness.

The effects of digitalization and technologies on the business organizational structures are discussed. The development of the concept of e-Government in the world and in the country will be discussed, as well as support policies.

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.