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Knowledge management

Course title

Knowledge management


 SHR 550


PhD Nikola Levkov

Course objectives (competences): 
  • to understand the role of knowledge, learning and human capital in today’s knowledge economy
  • to understand the relation between human capital management and innovation
  • to understand the cycle of knowledge management and best knowledge management practices
  • to understand the importance of knowledge management infrastructure for knowledge management success
  • to become familiar with key issues related to knowledge management project initiatives
  • to become aware of organizational learning and its relation to knowledge management
  • to understand the HR’s role in building knowledge management centric culture
  • to become familiar with the need for alignment of knowledge management and human resource practices
Course content:
  • Introduction to knowledge management and organizational learning
  • From data to information, knowledge and wisdom
  • Knowledge management cycle: creation, storage, sharing and application of knowledge
  • Knowledge management tools: component technologies
  • Understanding the role of intellectual capital in HR
  • HR’s role in building knowledge centric culture
  • Alignment of KM strategy and HR strategy
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.