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National Accounts

Course title

National Accounts


 ECN 390


Assistant professor Biljana Tashevska

Course objectives (competences):

A successful completion of this course should enable students to:

  • Understand the theoretical and methodological knowledge of national wealth and national accounts;
  • Assess and analyse the basic macroeconomic aggregates, calculated with data from the system of national accounts, and their interrelations;
  • Make themselves familiar with the progress in adjusting the Macedonian system of national accounts to the UN system of national accounts, and with the situation in our economy;
  • Realise the possibilities for use of the system of national accounts for predicting, planning, economic analysis and decision making processes.

Course content:

The contents of this course should help students understand and master the material regarding national accounts. In this context, a special attention is paid to the following issues:

  • Theoretical and methodological aspects of national wealth, its scope, dynamics, structural changes and its role in economic analyses;
  • GDP and other measures of economic activity, income and welfare;
  • Basic concepts and elements of the system of national accounts;
  • The system of national accounts of the UN;
  • Main types of accounts;
  • Input- output tables and social accounts matrices;
  • Satellite accounts;
  • Application and perspectives of the system of national accounts;
  • The system of national accounts in the Republic of Macedonia.
70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.