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Прв повик за учество на 11-та меѓународна школа

септември 20, 2021 - септември 22, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the First Call for Participation at the 11th

International Summer School organized by the Faculty of Economics – Skopje, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. The Summer School will be held between 20-22 September 2021 entirely online.


The goal of the summer school is to bridge undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and young enthusiasts that have major orientation in Statistics and Mathematics, Monetary

Economics, Finance and Banking, Public Finance, Accounting, Business Analytics and Administration, Human Capital and Human Resource Management, Corporate Management, and other related areas .


This year, the theme of the Summer School is “Make a difference: Learn how to evaluate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic“. For this purpose, during the  summer school there will be plenary lectures by international, regional, and national plenary speakers such as eminent institutions officials and representatives, policy creators and professors.


Moreover, each interested participant is requested to submit an extended abstract which will be published in the Summer School Book of Abstracts. If accepted, the participants are requested to submit full research papers or works in progress.


The Summer School abstract topics are related (but not limited) to evaluating the impact of COVID-19 through the following channels:

  • Statistical and mathematical methods and models,
  • Econometrics,
  • Macroeconomic trends,
  • Monetary and fiscal policies,
  • International trade,
  • Labor markets,
  • Inequality,
  • Supply chains,
  • Finance (banking, insurance, pension funds, capital markets, etc.)
  • Accounting,
  • Business analytics,
  • Business models,
  • Human capital management,
  • Corporate management practices.


Detailed description for the Summer School is available  HERE.


Deadline for submission of Applications and Abstracts: July 16, 2021

First deadline for paper submission: August 15, 2021.

Decision of Acceptance: July 20, 2021

Deadline for submission of Extended Abstracts: September 1, 2021


Please feel free to share this call for papers with your colleagues and



We are looking forward to seeing you.


All the best,

Organizing Committee

11th International Summer School

Faculty of Economics-Skopje

Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje



септември 20, 2021
септември 22, 2021