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Finance – Study program 2022/23

The goal of the study program in FINANCE is to enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of finance and specific skills for applying this knowledge in practice. To achieve these goals, the study program deals with the theoretical aspects of this field, focusing on their practical application.

By acquiring the knowledge of this study program, the student is expected to demonstrate the following knowledge, abilities and skills:

Knowledge and understanding:

  • Knows the institutional structure of financial markets, the characteristics of individual types of financial instruments (shares, bonds, savings deposits, loans, financial derivatives, etc.) and the operation of various financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, pension funds, investment funds, etc.) .
  • Understands the basic principles of finance, the essence of modern portfolio theory and the principles of valuation of the basic classes of financial instruments: stocks and bonds.
  • Possesses knowledge about the most important types of active, passive and neutral banking operations, about modern methods of managing assets, liquidity, liabilities and capital of banks and acquires the ability to analyze specific problems from the business policy of commercial banks.
  • Understands and critically analyzes basic issues in the field of international finance, such as: the formation of exchange rates and the functioning of the foreign exchange market, the main components of the balance of payments, key international financial institutions and the financing of international trade.
  • Possesses in-depth knowledge of public finance, knows the characteristics of modern tax systems, public expenditure policies, the budget process and acquires the ability to analyze the effects of fiscal policy.

Application of knowledge and understanding:

  • As a financial expert in state and public institutions, prepares financial plans and participates in the budgeting process.
  • As a financial manager in non-financial trading companies, participates in the performance of the financial function.
  • In banks and other financial institutions, performs various tasks related to the process of liquidity management, credit analysis and risk management.
  • He performs various tasks as a financial expert in the field of taxes and public financing (tax consultants, financial inspectors), as well as in the domain of insurance and customs issues.
  • As an expert on financial markets (stock exchange, brokerage companies, etc.), conducts fundamental and technical analysis, makes projections of the future movement of financial variables, etc.

Assessment Ability:

  • Demonstrates the ability to collect, process and interpret information about phenomena in the financial economy.
  • Demonstrates the ability to evaluate and select scientific theories that, within their frameworks, provide answers and recommendations for the movement of financial phenomena in the future.
  • It shows the ability to choose the most favorable course of action within the financial system (fiscal policy, monetary policy, financial institutions).

Communication skills:

  • Ability to communicate where the topic of discussion is in the field of finance and willingness to present arguments critically and objectively in the process of financial decision-making and action.
  • Independent participation in specific, scientific and interdisciplinary discussions, with a professional approach.
  • Ability to communicate with professionals from your own and other scientific disciplines, where the criteria for making the right decision are not clearly defined or are based on subjective opinions.


Learning skills:

  • Demonstrates mastered learning skills – concentration, reading and listening, memorization, time management.
  • Demonstrates ability to reasonably evaluate ideas with critical thinking, explores strategies (and attitudes) for generating ideas with creative thinking.
  • Effectively uses these thinking and strategies to solve everyday problems.


Qualification to be acquired: Graduated Economist of the Department of Finance.

CodeCourse NameSemesterWeekly Hours
per Activity
ECN 110Fundamentals of EconomicsFirst607.5
MST 110Mathematics for EconomistsFirst427.5
ACC 110Principles of AccountingFirst427.5
Elective Course*First
MST 120Statistics for Business and EconomicsSecond427.5
EBU 110Fundamentals of E-businessSecond427.5
INT 110Commercial LawSecond427.5
Elective Course*Second
ECN 210MacroeconomicsThird607.5
FIN 230Public FinanceThird607.5
ACC 210Financial AccountingThird427.5
Elective Course*Third
FIN 210Financial Markets and InstitutionsFourth607.5
FIN 220Money and BankingFourth607.5
FIN 240Local FinanceFourth607.5
Elective Course*Fourth
MGT 390Financial ManagementFifth607.5
FIN 310International FinanceFifth607.5
FIN 330Behavioral FinancesFifth607.5
Elective Course*Fifth
FIN 320Securities Analysis and Portfolio ManagementSixth607.5
FIN 340Management of Financial InstitutionsSixth607.5
ACC 420Financial Statements AnalysisSixth427.5
Elective Course*Sixth
FIN 410Bank ManagementSeventh607.5
FIN 430European Financial SystemSeventh607.5
MST 420Quantitative Methods in FinanceSeventh427.5
Elective Course*Seventh
FIN 420Alternative InvestmentsEighth427.5
FIN 440Applied Finance with ExcelEighth607.5
FIN 450Selected Topics in FinanceEight427.5
Elective Course*Eighth4/62/07.5
DIPL 5000Graduate thesisEighth3

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.