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MBA Management – Study program 2022/23

The aim of the study program of second cycle named MBA Management, is to enable students to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of management and specific skills in applying gained knowledge into practice.

To achieve these goals, the study program considers theoretical aspects of this field, focusing on their practical application.

List of compulsory and elective courses of the Second Cycle MBA Management:

  1. Four compulsory courses determined by the study program in accordance to the semesters of study (maximum 60% of the total number of courses provided)
  2. Two elective courses determined by the study program in accordance to the semesters of study (30% of the total number of suggested elective courses from the list of the Faculty of Economics – Skopje)
  3. One elective course (10% of the total number of courses provided) from the List of courses determined by the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje

After acquiring knowledge in the course of this study program, the student is expected to demonstrate the following knowledge, abilities and skills:

Knowledge and understanding:

  • Understands the meaning and content of management, managers and management functions;
  • Demonstrates knowledge related to the structure, functioning and development of the organization, as well as the importance of organizational culture and the need to accept organizational change and organizational development as the only ways for the organization to survive in modern times ;
  • Understands elements of strategic analysis, selection of appropriate strategy and problems related to the implementation of the formulated strategy;
  • Demonstrates knowledge of modern and advanced concepts of human resource management, as well as various concepts of behavior and the process of motivating people in the organization;
  • Understands the role of information and information technology in management in current business;
  • Acquires in-depth knowledge in specific areas of enterprise operation, such as: financial asset management within the enterprise; management of marketing activities important for the realization of the general and marketing strategy of the enterprise; small business management and entrepreneurship; and the strategic and operational aspects of functioning in the context of international management.

Application of knowledge and understanding:

  • Raising the level of management and governance of enterprises and development of modern management;
  • Training and retraining of professional staff – managers to solve very complex problems caused by changes in the situation in companies and the environment;
  • Training and building managers related to a modern profile: entrepreneurial, ready to take action, but also risks associated with each initiative, flexible, determined and courageous people;
  • Creating managers with new perspectives and ways of thinking, developing skills for predicting the future and accepting the challenges and opportunities offered by business in the 21st century;

Ability to assess:

  • Able to observe and identify important circumstances and trends in the internal and external environment of the company, to analyze and synthesize and draw conclusions about the analyzed conditions and phenomena.
  • Develop and enhance teamwork, leadership and communication skills applicable in a variety of companies and situations;
  • Able to identify information needs and manage information and knowledge in organizations in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in operations and create competitive advantages.


Communication skills:

  • Able to communicate ideas and harmonize teamwork;
  • Able to evaluate and present information based on the results obtained.

Learning skills:

  • Able to successfully master theoretical concepts, apply techniques and methodologies in specific scientific fields and identify the needs for further upgrading of acquired knowledge;
  • Has the ability to participate in group discussions, critically analyze theoretical and practical aspects of the operation of companies, to develop and present the developed projects;
  • Able to express knowledge by answering different types of questions and analyze specific case studies from business practice.

Qualification acquired:

Master in Organizational Science and Management (MBA) in the field of MBA Management

CodeCourse NameSemesterWeekly Hours per ActivityECTS
MGT 510ManagementFirst24166
MGT 511Strategic managementFirst24166
Elective Course*First24166
Elective Course*First24169
MGT 513Financial managementSecond24166
MGT 518Organizational behaviourSecond24166
Elective Course*Second24166
Master Thesis18

CodeCourse NameSemesterWeekly Hours per activityECTS
MKT 546Marketing ManagementFirst24166
MGT 514Management Information SystemsFirst24166
MGT 515Small Business BanagementFirst24166
MGT 517International businessSecond24166
MGT 519Sustainable EntrepreneurshipFirst24166
MGT 520Change ManagementFirst24166
SHR 510SHRMFirst24166
SHR 580Theory of organizationFirst24166
ACC 520Corporate GovernanceFirst24166
MGT 521Operation ManagementSecond24166
CFM 522Management in InsuranceSecond24166
MGT 523Busines AnalyticsSecond24166

70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.