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Management and Entrepreneurship – Study program 2017/18

The graduate at the Department of Management is enabled to apply the techniques for process and human resources management, preparation of business plans, business communication, financial management, capital budgeting and management of investment projects, etc.

Through the lectures, tutorials, project work, case studies, the use of assigned literature and appropriate software, the students at this program are expected to develop the following competencies:

  • Ability to formulate goals, mission and business plans of a company in today’s environment, preparation of strategic analysis, selection of the optimal strategy and ability to manage the implementation of the strategy chosen;
  • Ability to implement quantitative analysis and research in the process of selection of optimal business solutions in the fields of manufacturing, finance, start-ups, etc.;
  • Ability to implement advanced methods for planning of the number and structure of employees, analysis and shaping of the work and job vacancies, recruitment, selection, introduction, training and performance assessment of the employees.
  • Ability to negotiate effectively towards winning business contracts.

Therefore, the job openings for the graduates of this department include companies from the private and public sectors, public institutions, public administration, etc. Their skills will make them suitable for the following positions:

  • Executive and operating managers at different levels in the companies;
  • Strategic analysts and planners involved in the preparations of feasibility studies, strategic, business and action plans;
  • Managers and employees in international business units;
  • Managers and employees in human resources departments;
  • Managers and employees engaged in the design of organizational structures and shaping organizational culture;
  • Managers and employees involved in the design of managerial information systems within the companies;
  • Entrepreneurs and small business proprietors;
  • Managers and employees in public institutions, state and local administration, etc.
First Year Compulsory Courses
No.CodeCourse Title ClassesECTS
Winter Semester:
1ECN 110Principles of Economics6+08
2MST 110Mathematics for Business4+28
3АCC 110Principles of Accounting4+28
4MGT 120Business Ethics6+08
Summer Semester:
5MST 120Statistics for Business and Economics4+28
Second Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1MGT 210Principles of Management6+08
2МКТ 210Marketing Basics4+28
3MGT 240Human Resource Management6+08
Summer Semester:
4MGT 230Small Business Management6+08
Third Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1MGT 310Strategic Management6+08
2MGT 320Management Information Systems6+08
3MGT 390Financial Management6+08
4MGT 395Operational Research6+08
Summer Semester:
5MGT 330Business Planning6+08
6MGT 340Capital Budgeting and Investment Management6+08
Fourth Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1MGT 420Operations Management6+08
Summer Semester:
2MGT 440Change Management4+28
3АCC 232Management Accounting 14+28
4MGT 430Business Communication4+28



70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.