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Economics – First cycle study program 2017/18


An economist graduated from the Department of Economics is able to analyze and understand the key macroeconomic and microeconomic phenomena and processes and to evaluate alternative solutions to the fundamental economic problems of resource allocation, which are faced by individual economic agents, as well as by the economy as a whole.


Students that graduate from the Department of Economics are able to conduct economic analyses and to engage in solving practical economic problems in different forms of enterprises and business organizations, both private and public, and in government institutions, i.e.:

  • Government and other institutions and public administration (parliament, government, ministries of finance, of economy etc., local self-governments, public revenues office, agency for regional development etc.);
  • Regulatory institutions in the area of economic and social regulation;
  • The central bank, commercial banks and other financial institutions;
  • Diplomatic-consular offices of our country abroad;
  • Stock exchanges;
  • International organizations (their missions in our country or in other countries);
  • Scientific and educational institutions (universities, faculties, research institutes, secondary economic and trade schools etc.);
  • Public enterprises in the infrastructure industries (electric power, postal service, railway, communal services), education, public health service etc.;
  • Private enterprises: small entrepreneurial firms, medium-size companies and large corporations etc.


After acquiring knowledge from this study program, the student is expected to demonstrate the following knowledge, capabilities and skills:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Students will be capable of analyzing the main macroeconomic aggregates and of interpreting their dynamic interrelations;
  • Students will develop knowledge and skills for contemporary microeconomic analysis of individual businesses and different market structures within which the businesses operate;
  • Students will be able to critically analyze the compatibility, efficiency and implications of economic policies and their instruments;
  • Students will acquire knowledge and skills for analyzing contemporary economic processes in national economies, regional economic integrations and the world economy.’

Application of Knowledge and Understanding

  • To diagnose markets events, forecast their future tendencies and analyze the effects of economic policies on the microeconomic agents and on market fluctuations;
  • To calculate the main macroeconomic aggregates and balances, and critically analyze existing macroeconomic policies;
  • To perform a critical analysis of the institutional structure of the economic system and the motives and incentives that it provides for the economic agents;
  • To apply quantitative methods of microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis in defining new approaches and in the analysis of existing models of economic growth of national economies;
  • To give a critical analysis of development polices and their application in the national economy;
  • To analyze the general processes of economic development in the world (especially the processes of regionalization and globalization of the world economic activities) and their implications on the national economy.

Assessment Capability

  • Capability for observing and understanding economic trends and processes, and identifying and collecting relevant primary and secondary data, necessary for analyzing economic phenomena and processes; 
  • Capability for evaluating the theoretical knowledge and for selecting analytical methodologies and tools in the key areas of economic science;
  • Capability for analyzing and interpreting data and information on certain economic trends and changes, and their application in solving certain economic problems.

Communication Skills

  • Appropriate professional communication for establishing cooperation and presentation of results from conducted analyses and research;
  • Capability for an independent participation in scientific discussions, for initiating and leading research activities, team work, critical thinking, respecting opposite views and active listening to other participants in the debate;
  • Successful application of the principles and codes of professional business communication.

Learning Skills

  • Developed skills for learning, interactive debate, observation, basic research and analysis;
  • Skills for critical evaluation of the appropriateness of the learning methods and their effect on gaining knowledge, skills, competences and practical application of the knowledge;
  • Capability to identify their own needs for continuous education and professional development (second and third cycle studies) in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics and to undertake an initiative for acquiring new knowledge and skills.
First Year Compulsory Courses
No.CodeCourse TitleClassesECTS
Winter Semester:
1ECN 110Principles of Economics6+08
2MST 110Mathematics for Business4+28
3АCC 110Principles of Accounting4+28
Summer Semester:
4MST 120Statistics for Business and Economics4+28
Second Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1ECN 210Macroeconomics6+08
2ECN 220Microeconomics6+08
3ECN 240Economics of Macedonia6+08
Summer Semester:
4ECN 230Economics of the Welfare State 6+08
5ECN 260Labour Economics6+08
Third Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1ECN 310Economics of Investments6+08
2ECN 320Economic Growth and Development6+08
3ECN 330Econometrics6+08
Summer Semester:
4ECN 350Development of Economic Thought6+08
5ECN 340Regional and Urban Economy6+08
Fourth Year Compulsory Courses
Winter Semester:
1ECN 440Macroeconomic Analysis Methods6+08
2ECN 420Public Sector Economy6+08
3FIN230Public Finance4+28
Summer Semester:
4ECN 410Government Regulation of Business6+08
5ECN 430Global Economy and Economic Systems6+08



70 години

Во 2020 Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје слави 70 години од своето основање.